The Board is supported by two governance committees (Audit and Risk Committee and People Committee), and by three regulatory committees (Regulatory Standards and Codes Committee, Supervision Committee and Conduct Committee). The three regulatory committees are also supported by Senior Advisors who attend Committee meetings and the Advisory Panel who can be asked to provide input on technical matters on project to project basis. The Executive Committee manages the day to day operations of the FRC, including resources, policies and programmes.
Financial Reporting Qouncil What Could More.The Tribunal Panel and the Enforcement Committee Panel are maintained pursuant to the Conduct Committee Operating procedures and the FRC’s disciplinary and enforcement procedures.
The Board is supported by two governance committees (Audit and Risk Committee and People Committee), and by three regulatory committees (Regulatory Standards and Codes Committee, Supervision Committee and Conduct Committee). The three regulatory committees are also supported by Senior Advisors who attend Committee meetings and the Advisory Panel who can be asked to provide input on technical matters on project to project basis. The Executive Committee manages the day to day operations of the FRC, including resources, policies and programmes.